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Why Choose Sustainability Education Academy

Sustemy is your partner in advancing your career, professional and personal goals, knowledge, and expertise in sustainability and energy efficiency.

Ensured Quality Learning

Ensured Quality Learning

To successfully become an IGEA, you must complete eight training modules (177 lessons) and need to respond to a minimum of 214 questions throughout the training. You then have to submit an investment grade energy audit for assessment.

Your Instructor

Your Instructor

A highly experienced energy auditor, Bruce ran an Energy Services Company (ESCO) and has delivered efficiency savings of up to 80%. Many of those teaching energy audits are academics who have undertaken a handful of detailed energy audits, but for whom most of their working life is in the university. Whilst such academics were doing their pHds, Bruce was doing audits – hundreds of them – and learning from his mistakes.

Robust Certification

Robust Certification

Our certification is designed to provide assurance that an IGEA can deliver trusted energy audits when making significant investment decisions.

Enroll Today and Get a 15% Discount and a FREE 60-Minute Career Chat With Bruce

Chair, Efficiency Valuation Organization training committee
Represents AIRAH on AS/NZS Standards Committee EN001: Energy Management & Energy Audits
Delivered energy savings of up to 80% across a wide range of commercial & industrial facilities
Has provided energy efficiency advice to commercial and industrial facilities across 10 countries
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Deliver Energy Audits that clients trust and implement

How To Be Certified as an Investment Grade Energy Auditor

Becoming an investment grade energy auditor is a three-part process

1. Undertaking an Energy Audit

Commissioning, Managing, and Reviewing an Energy Audit

Every energy auditor should undertake this course to see the audit from the other side of the fence, thus improving their ability to engage with energy users effectively.

Process of Undertaking a Successful Audit

Presents a process that, when followed, results in successful audits being delivered. You can apply this process to deliver an Investment Grade Audit (IGA) / Detailed Feasibility Study (DFS).

Energy Fundamentals for Energy Auditors

This course will teach the fundamental concepts of physics and engineering that energy auditors must know.

Tools for Energy Auditors

This course introduces energy auditors to tools, both essential and nice-to-have, for undertaking energy audits.

2. Energy Using Technologies and Savings Opportunities

Energy Efficient Lighting

Learn the fundamentals of energy-efficient lighting in this course, and save more lighting energy!

Fundamentals of Energy Efficient HVAC

Knowing how to minimize HVAC energy use is core knowledge every energy manager, energy auditor, HVAC contractor, or consultant needs.

Fundamentals of Energy Efficient Domestic Hot Water & Water

This course covers both domestic hot water and water use more extensively.

Introduction to Energy Efficiency in Industrial systems

This course covers electric motors, compressed air, refrigeration, and steam, and it provides an introduction to these technologies and energy efficiency opportunities.

3. Prepare and Submit an Investment Grade Energy Audit

When you pass all the assessments presented in parts one and two, we require you to submit Investment Grade Energy  Audit and supporting evidence to complete the final assessment task for being eligible to become an IGEA.

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